A6 Protocol Snapshots

Just need a review or refresher of a specific part of the protocol? Use this page to navigate to a different parts of the protocol.

Pre-visit Protocol

Pre-visit: The Day Before

Ensure the following are charged for visit:

- Child iPad
-Maternal iPad

 Ensure that mom has been confirmed and transportation plan is in place.

Pre-visit: Visit Forms


• Consent and Assent forms

• Gather packet of battery forms

• Gather print-out of maternal battery

Pre-visit: REDCap

Turn on laptop and go onto web browser; log into REDcap with your credentials

Pre-visit: MEFS

Note that this is the same set-up for both mother and child MEFS.

Pre-visit: WJ, EOWPVT, WPPSI

Grab all three stimulus books and back-up paper forms for: 

Pre-visit: Epigenetics

Take out:

 Get 2 labels for the biobags

Pre-visit: NIH Toolbox

NIH Toolbox V3

Pre-visit: Other

Pre-visit: EEG

For NYC only: be sure all cords are set to the Sophie Room

Write ID in blank version of the EEG form (in R1 hard-copy checklist)

 Make sure the speakers are lined up with the line for sound

Prep Bucket for cap soaking:

Pre-visit: PCI

Set up white board with:

‘BFY Age 6’ 

In-visit Administration









General Instructions:

Consent & Assent 

Cortisol Questions

Collection Procedure

Post Collection: Documentation and Storage

Introduction to Cognitive Battery

NIH Toolbox Pattern Comparison

Make sure you know:

Are these the same?If the participant responds incorrectly, the response they selected turns red and the audio says either: These pictures are the same, so you should tap YES(Yes button flashes four times) OR These pictures are NOT the same, so you should tap NO (No button flashes four times). 

NIH Toolbox Flanker

WJ Letter Word Identification

WJ Applied Problems

Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test (English)

Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test (Bilingual)

WPPSI Picture Memory

WPPSI Matrix Reasoning

WPPSI Picture Concepts

Child MEFS


*if child did not do epi before, ask them now if they would like another chance to complete epi.

Maternal MEFS

Maternal Survey

Scarcity Prime

Maternal Flanker






Capping and Impedances 



Resting: Eyes Open (30s), Eyes Closed (30s) for 4 minutes followed by a video

If at any point the child wants to end the task prematurely, unplug the cap before uncapping. The unplugging of the cap sends a flag that is useful for processing.

Post-visit Upload & Protocol

All Post-Visit Instructions

Experimenter form (post-visit) on REDcap (R1):


Fill out PSRA in REDcap (R1)


Ensure all REDcap bubbles are filled in


Experimenter form (post-visit) on REDcap (R2):


Epigenetics – R2

EEG (R1)


(EEG data file path:  NOBLE>BFY>Age4>DATA_AGE6>EEG > 0_Deposit EEG Data from Sites Here)


Open new window for USB DISK >

Drag Resting zip file (in USB) to 0_Deposit EEG Data from Sites Here; check name is formatted as follows: PXXXXXX_BFY6_Rest (e.g., P102111_BFY6_Rest)



Capping Pictures


EEG (R2)


PCI (R1):



1.  Log the visit in the sample management system (SMS):

o Go to the participant's profile

o Log a new interaction: In the new interaction form selection menu, select University Appointment. 

o Enter the date and start time of the appointment 

o Enter the incentive mode and amount

o Assign outcome of the visit:

§ Complete visit: assign when P completed her chosen activities, and no further data collection attempts need to be made

§ Partial visit: assign when P completes some but not all of her chosen activities, and further data collection needs to take place but there is no set appt time (e.g. maternal survey is completed via phone and P wants to participate in university-based activities, which will happen at an undefined later time)

§ Partial visit, appointment scheduled: assign when P completes some but not all of her chosen activities, and a follow-up appointment was scheduled. In this case, also input the next appointment into the form

o Click update.

2.  Send thank you email and text using the appropriate IRB-approved template, attach blank consent forms to the email.

o Log the interaction in SMS.

Woodcock Johnson - Riverside Scoring System