Protocol Snapshots

Just need a review or refresher of a specific part of the protocol? Use this page to navigate to a different parts of the protocol.

Pre-visit Protocol

Pre-visit: The Day Before

Ensure the following are charged for visit:

 -Child iPad
-Maternal iPad

 (TC-only): Ensure mom has received the link to the TC Daily Health Screener

 Ensure that mom has been confirmed and transportation plan is in place.

Pre-visit: Visit Forms

(TC only): Be prepared to fill out the TC Daily Health Screener on the lobby computer in case mom has not filled it yet before visit 


Ensure extra mom and child mask are brought with you upstairs.

 Ensure all RAs and SC are wearing KN95 masks


• Consent forms (study + COVID)

• Gather packet of battery forms

• Gather print-out of maternal battery

Pre-visit: REDCap

Turn on laptop and go onto web browser; log into REDcap with your credentials

Pre-visit: MEFS

Note that this is the same set-up for both mother and child MEFS.

Pre-visit: LENA

LENA Troubleshooting:

*If there is a ‘clock’ error: plug the recorder into the computer while LENA Hub is signed in

- that will resolve issue. If another error message appears, assign that child a new recorder

before the family arrives and let your SC know about the issue that arose later for


*Clock errors happen after 2 or 3 weeks of non-use – always plug in LENA to Hub after this

amount of time!

*If you make a typo on a child’s LENA info: Click on the blue ‘BFY’ (their first name) to

change info about them (DOB, name, Participant ID)

Pre-visit: Epigenetics

Take out:

 Get 2 labels for the biobags

Pre-visit: IQ, ROWPVT, & TRH

Grab all three stimulus books and back-up paper forms for: 

Pre-visit: Other

Pre-visit: EEG

For NYC only: be sure all cords are set to the Sophie Room

Write ID in blank version of the EEG form (in R1 hard-copy checklist)

 Make sure the speakers are lined up with the line for sound

Prep Bucket for cap soaking:

Pre-visit: PCI

Set up white board with:

‘BFY Age 4 Pilot Visit’ 

In-visit Administration










Child MEFS

·         R1 should be sitting next to the child with the MEFS app open to the child’s info screen. Allow child to select their avatar and then select ‘Game Form A’.

·         Say to the child: “I’d like to show you a fun game and ask you some questions” while you select the Level 4 card. (Me gustaría mostrarte un juego divertido y hacerte algunas preguntas.)

·         Begin reading the instructions on the app and demonstrate the rules of the first trial for the child (as the app instructs). Be sure to point IN TIME with what the script says (e.g., “Blue ones go HERE *point to blue box*”)

·         If the child moves their hand towards the card deck, gently block their hand by hovering yours over the bottom portion of the iPad screen, effectively blocking the child from selecting the card deck and say, “sometimes it’s going to be your turn to play, and sometimes it’s going to be my turn to play. Now, it’s my turn, but your turn is coming soon”. (“A veces será tu turno de jugar, y otras veces será mi turno de jugar. Ahora, es mi turno, pero tu turno llegará pronto”)

·         Move through testing trials as the app instructs you to. Be sure that YOU are turning the cards in the card stack. You can say, “I’ll turn them” (Yo lo haré) and gently block their hand if the child starts to do it.

·         Feedback is ONLY permitted during rule checks, NEVER during trial runs. You may NOT repeat the rule once the card is flipped.

·         When reading the instructions of a new level, cover up the boxes and card stack with your hand to ensure that the child listens to the new set of directions.

·         If child needs a break, be sure to finish the current level before leaving MEFS.

·         When the game is finished, be sure to wait for the Notes box but to always document notes on MEFS on the hard-copy checklist. Be sure to hit SUBMIT before exiting the app and moving to the next game.

·         NOTE: There should never be two MEFS profiles for the same child; similarly, you should never run a child twice on MEFS.

·         Give child sticker if he/she has completed MEFS and praise for work


*if child did not do epi before, ask them now if they would like another chance to complete epi and earn the epi sticker

Receptive One-Word Test (English)

·         Move to the ROWPVT (monolingual English) section on REDcap


·         Open the stimulus book to the first practice page and say to the child, “I am going to say a word and show you some pictures, and I want you to point to or tell me the number of the picture that matches the word. Let’s practice first.”


·         Ensure that the automatic age calculator is telling you if the child is 3 or 4-years-old. If it is not, go to the Confirm Parent Into instrument and determine if the child is 3 or 4. Tell your SC immediately the calculator is not working.


·         Go through practice items A-D, If they get the answer correct, say: “good job!” If they get the answer wrong, say: “that was a good try, but here is the X” (only the for the practice trials)

·         Sometimes children can be a little silly with this assessment, and they deliberately point to a wrong answer and giggle. If that’s the case, you can say: “you’re being silly! Can you point to the one this really is?”

·         If child genuinely doesn’t seem to understand the task, show them the correct answer for Item A and then prompt the next few practice items to ensure they understand the task.


·         Enter child’s age and start where REDcap directs you to


·         Do not allow the child to flip the stimulus booklet themselves. “All you have to do is point to the picture or tell me the number of the picture, I can flip the pages for you!”

-If child says they “I don’t know”, say, “Take your best guess”. If they say it again, mark it as incorrect and continue testing.

·         Give the child no more than 20 seconds per item. You can nudge a response with, “Take your best guess?”


·         Continue until REDcap has indicated that ceiling has been reached; click ‘Complete’ if child finishes or ‘Unverified’ if not and write down on the checklist why not


·         Give child sticker

Receptive One-Word Test (Bilingual)

·         Move to the ROWPVT (bilingual) section on REDcap

·         Open the stimulus book to the first practice page and say to the child, “I am going to say a word and show you some pictures, and I want you to point to or tell me the number of the picture that matches the word. Let’s practice first.”

·         If you are proctoring the assessment in Spanish, you say, “Te mostraré algunas imagines. Quiero que señales a la imagen o que me digas el numero de la imagen que muestra la palabra que yo digo. Vamos a practicar.”


·         Go through practice items A-D. If they get the answer correct, say: “good job!” (Muy bien!) If they get the answer wrong, say: “that was a good try, let’s try another!” (eso fue un buen intento, vamos a tratar de nuevo)

·         Sometimes children can be a little silly with this assessment, and they deliberately point to a wrong answer and giggle. If that’s the case, you can say: “you’re being silly! Can you point to the one this really is?” (¡Estás bromeando! ¿Puedes elegir el que crees que es?)


·         If the child gets the item incorrect, prompt them with the other Spanish items, then if they are still wrong, prompt them in English (i.e., if the child pointed incorrectly to “platano”, prompt them with “banana”).. If the English item is incorrect, then move through the Spanish items if the child keeps getting them incorrect (i.e., if the child pointed incorrectly to “banana”, prompt them with “platano”).

·         If you are prompting in Spanish, and the child gets it wrong, be sure to prompt them with all the other Spanish options before moving to the English item or marking it correct/incorrect (based on which language you started with).


·         Enter child’s age and start where REDcap directs you to


·         Do not allow the child to flip the stimulus booklet themselves. “All you have to do is point to the picture or tell me the number of the picture, I can flip the pages for you!” (“Solo tienes que decirme el numero del imagen, yo me encargo de cambiar las paginas”)

-If child says they “I don’t know”, say, “can you take your best guess” (“Yo no se”, “Bueno, puedes adivinar si no lo sabes”), move through the Spanish items (and/or English item) as needed. If still wrong, mark it as incorrect and continue testing.

·         Give the child no more than 20 seconds per item. You can nudge a response with, “can you take your best guess?” (“Adivina lo mejor que puedas”)

·         Continue until REDcap has indicated that the ceiling is reached. When ceiling is reached, say: “That was awesome! Thank you so much for playing that game with me!” (“¡Excelente! ¡Muchas gracias por jugar este juego conmigo!”)

·         Click ‘Complete’ if child finishes or ‘Unverified’ if not and write down on the checklist why not

·         Give child sticker, praise for completion of activity/earning sticker


·         Move to the Matrices section on REDcap

·         Say to the child: “we are going to do two activities with this book here” (“Vamos a hacer dos actividades con este libro) as you open up the Stimulus Book to page 4 (Demonstration Item), of the Matrices section.

·         Ensure that the child is looking at the stimulus page. Point to the top of the stimulus page. Run your hand along the response options and say, “which one of these”, then point to the question mark, “goes here”? (Spanish: “Cuál de estos va aquí”?). Record the child’s response. If they get it right, you can say, “Good!” (“Bien”)

-If child does not get the answer to the Demonstration correct, point to the all of the blue circles and then point to the question mark. Sweep your hand along the answer choices and then point to the blue circle saying, “This one is the answer” (Spanish: “Esta es la respuesta”).

·         Turn to Sample Item A. Point to the top of the stimulus page. Sweep your hand along the response options and give the same prompt as in step 3. Record their response. Say, “Good!” (“Bien”) if they get it correct.

-If the child does not respond or gets it wrong, drag your finger from the correct response to the question mark and give the same prompt as in 3a.

·         Turn to Sample Item B. Point to the top of the stimulus page. Sweep your hand along the response options and point to the question mark. (At this point, the child will likely not need your verbal instruction) Record their response. Say, “Good!” (“Muy Bien”) if they get it correct.

-If the child does not respond or gets it wrong, drag your finger from the correct response to the question mark and give the same prompt as in 3a.

·         Turn to Sample Item C. Point to the top of the stimulus page. Sweep your hand along the response options and point to the question mark. Record their response. Say, “Good!” (“Muy Bien”) if they get it correct.

-If the child does not respond or gets it wrong, drag your finger from the correct response to the question mark and give the same prompt as in 3a.

·         Turn the page and start with Item 1. Point to the top of the stimulus page, sweep your hand along the response options, and point to the question mark. Record child’s response and do not offer any feedback.

·         Be sure to record which item # they chose until REDcap indicates the ceiling has been reached

·         Click ‘Complete’ if child finishes or ‘Unverified’ if not and write down on the checklist why not

·         Give child sticker

The Reading House

The Reading House

·         Open up TRH on REDcap.

·         Move the book in front of the child on the table.

·         Begin proctoring the assessment with the first question. You may let the child turn the pages if they wish.

·         If the child does not answer immediately, wait approximately 5 seconds and then repeat the question. If the child still does not provide a response, mark the question as incorrect, praise the child’s effort (“you’re working so hard!”) and move on to the next question.

·         You should only repeat a question if child doesn’t say anything in response, or if they ask you to repeat the question

·         If you are administering the Reading House to a bilingual child (English and Spanish), and they get their first response INCORRECT, prompt the child with the same item in the alternate language (mark as incorrect if it is still wrong, or correct if they then get it right).

·         For question #2, if the child states that they cannot read, or does not understand the question, you may prompt them with, “which shelf do you think has words on it?” (¿Qual de estas crees que teine palabras?), and point to each of the 4 shelves. Note that the child DOES NOT need to read the words, only to differentiate words from non-words.

·         For question #3, record the number of letters correctly and incorrectly on the hard-copy checklist under TRH section. Stop when the child correctly names 8 letters or misses 2 letters in a row. If the child does not respond, or says that they don’t know any letters, encourage them to attempt the question by pointing at letters A, G, E, S, and then others of-choice, for each prompting, “What is this letter?” (¿Cuál es esta letra?) Continue until the child starts naming on their own or reaches the stopping rule of 2 missed in a row.

·         For question #4, if the child does not understand the question, demonstrate with the letter N. Point to the letter N and say, “This letter is an N. N makes the /n/ sounds.” After that, continue with the script. (In the Spanish Reading House, if the child does not understand the question, demonstrate with the letter L).

·         For questions #5 and #6, be sure to point to each item as you say the name. Ensure child is saying the answers out loud, not pointing (pointing does not count as correct).

                                                  i.      For R, say /r/ - not “ra”, just “rrrrr”

·         For question #7, pause briefly between syllables as you say the word. If the child does not respond, repeat once. There are 2 examples of each item in the picture; the child only needs to point to one.

·         For question #8, indicate if the child gets the word correct or incorrect.


-Flowerpot (pot): if child says, “flower” or “plant”, prompt with, “what is the flower/plant in?” (¿En qué está la flor/planta?)

-Owl: if child says, “bird”, prompt with, what kind of bird is that? (que clase de ave/pajaro es esa)

-Hippo: if child says, “animal”, prompt with, what kind of animal is that? (que tipo de animal es ese)

-Blocks: if child says, “numbers”, point to the blocks on the bookshelf and ask again

-Boots: if the child says, “shoes”, prompt with, what kind of shoes are these? (que tipo de zapatos son estos?)

-Toothbrush: if the child says, “brush”, prompt with, what kind of brush is that? (que tipo de cepillo es ese?)

·         For question #9, do not prompt the child to keep writing letters. Just allow them to write without guidance after you’ve handed them the marker.

·         Click ‘Complete’ if child finishes or ‘Unverified’ if not and write down on the checklist why not

·         Give child sticker if completed task

Child Drawing

When child is finished with the battery, ask them if they would like to take a picture of their favorite toy drawing. If so, be sure to write the participant ID number on the back of the page and store the drawing away in a locked cabinet post-visit.

Maternal MEFS

·         Mom should be sitting at a desk or table with the iPad centered in front of her.

·         R2 should be sitting next to the mom with the MEFS app open to the mom’s info screen. Allow mom to select their avatar and then select ‘Game Form A’.

·         Say to the mom: “I’d like to show you this game and ask you some questions” (Me gustaría mostrarte este juego y hacerte algunas preguntas) while you select the Level 5 card.

·         Begin reading the instructions on the app and demonstrate the rules of the first trial for the mom (as the app instructs). Be sure to point IN TIME with what the script says (e.g., “Blue ones go HERE *point to blue box*”)

·         If the mom moves their hand towards the card deck, gently block their hand by hovering yours over the bottom portion of the iPad screen, effectively blocking the mom from selecting the card deck and say, “sometimes I move the cards and sometimes you’ll move the cards, for now I’ll move them.” (a veces yo muevo las cartas y otras veces tú mueves las cartas, por ahora yo las muevo)

·         Move through testing trials as the app instructs you to. Be sure that YOU are turning the cards in the card stack. You can say, “I’ll turn them” (yo las muevo) and gently block their hand if the mom starts to do it.

·         Feedback is ONLY permitted during rule checks, NEVER during trial runs. You may NOT repeat the rule once the card is flipped.

·         When reading the instructions of a new level, cover up the boxes and card stack with your hand to ensure that the mom listens to the new set of directions.

·         If mom needs a break, be sure to finish the current level before leaving MEFS.

·         You may re-read the instructions on the instructions page if mom asks and on the rule check slides (before MEFS tells you, “okay, let’s play” … not on the real trials though!

·         When the game is finished, be sure to wait for the Notes box and type in any notes if needed. Be sure to hit SUBMIT before exiting the app and moving to the next game.

·         NOTE: There should never be two MEFS profiles for the same mom; similarly, you should never run a mom twice on MEFS.

·         NOTE: If mom has very long nails and cannot appropriately use the touchscreen, use the stylus. Note it in the hard-copy checklist.

Maternal Survey

·         Open up REDcap to the first page of the survey = “Confirm Parent Information”


·         Ensure mom has the answer booklet in front of her

·         Read the beginning of a question and answer choices whenever they are NOT in brackets. Then, use your discretion as to if you read the answer choices again (e.g., if mom is answering the same thing every time, re-gives options)

·         Ask mom each question and record each response; be sure to mark each page as ‘Complete’ before moving to the next section

·         For CBCL, if mom asks what you mean, be sure to say, “whatever X means to you” (lo que sea que signifique para ti)

·         If mom changes her mind or RA realizes he/she made a mistake after submitting responses during maternal survey, note the correct answer in the RA checklist and alert SC afterward the visit to directly edit the redcap survey



·         Say to mom and child, “Now we are going to walk over to the scale together and take your and [child’s name’s] height and weight.” (Ahora vamos a tomar la altura y el peso de usted y de [childname]”.)

·         Have both mom and child keep their shoes on. NOTE: If mom is wearing heels, ensure she takes them off before she gets on the scale.

·         Lift the height bar as far as you can reach it and have mom step on the scale, with her back facing the scale.

·         Check that she is standing up straight with her feet together.

·         Bring the height bar down so that it touches the top of her head.

·         Say, “okay great, mom, you can step off for just a second!” (bien, ahora puedes bajarte por un segundo) – this will inform R2 that they can record the height of mom.

·         Bring down that bar to its normal position.

·         Have mom step on the scale one more time and move the weights over to the right until the scale is balanced. Be sure to be measuring in pounds. Say, “okay great” – this will inform R2 that they can record the weight of the mom.

·         Say, “thank you mom, you can step off and you are all done with this!” (gracias Mamá, ahora puedes bajarte que ya terminamos con esto)

·         Be sure that you are not vocalizing mom’s weight aloud – just gesture to R2 to record the weight if they are not already looking at the scale.

·         Say to the child, “Now it is your turn! “We are going to measure how big and strong you are getting with this scale, can you step on it for me?” (¡Ahora es tu turno! “Vamos a medir qué tan grande y fuerte eress ¿Puedes pararte aquí?”)

·         Follow all steps from above for the child’s height and weight.



·         R1 will welcome mom and child to the scale for documentation. Be sure to be close by.

·         When R1 has mom’s height – be sure to record it by finding the number at the lowest part of the bar that moves up and down. Record in centimeters on the checklist.

·         Record mom’s weight in pounds on the checklist when R1 has gotten the scale to balance. Do not do mental math here – record what the top bar is showing, and then the bottom bar (for e.g., record 250 lbs then record 35 lbs) – you can add these together before you enter the total weight into REDcap later. Do not vocalize weight aloud.

·         Repeat for child’s height and weight.


Note: In some cases, your site may choose to switch R1 and R2s roles here. If the child has already built rapport with R1, R1 can stay in the room with the child. Consult your site coordinator about if you should stay in the room with the child or in the control room.


·         Begin soaking the cap.  Bring cap in and plug it into the arm.

·         Go to the Mac

o   Turn ‘on’ the amplifier in the top left corner

o   Then, click – tools à show impedances

·         Have the child sit in the chair in front of the monitor.

·         If child’s hair is up, have mom take child’s hair down (RA should avoid doing this)

·         Get the child ready to put on the cap. For some children, this may be showing them the cap and letting them touch it. For other children, this may mean just putting on the video. This is a moment to read the room and do what’s going to be best for that child.  Our goal is to make them comfortable.

·         Measure the child’s head – first from middle of the eyebrows (nasion) to the midline bony tip (inion) and divide by two (use chart to help); make your first mark on the child’s scalp running front to back (red China Marker works best). Then measure from ear to ear (preauricular point), ensuring that the tape measure is going over the top of your first mark. Divide by 2 and make the cross mark on the scalp.

·         Lay a hand towel on the child’s shoulders and give them one to hold. You can say, “when I put the hat on, there may be some drips. Here’s a towel in case you want to wipe off any water” (la gorra se sentirá un poco húmedo. Aquí hay una toalla en caso de que quieras secarte.). However, if the child is not interested, continue on without interrupting them from watching the movie.

o   Remove any hand and wrist jewelry prior to handling the cap.

o   Ask mom to remove child’s earrings if applicable, or place medical tape over their earlobes.

o   Style child’s hair if needed (into a low pony or two low pigtails if hair is dense)

·         Take cap out of the solution where it has been soaking and pat the exterior dry with the towel (do not squeeze out sponges).

·         Place hands in the cap, and ensure the chin strap is in front of your wrists.

·         Tell child to close their eyes and that you are going to count to 10 together while you put the hat on their head.

·         Stand directly in front of the child to place the cap. Cz electrode should sit over the “X” mark on the head, and electrode 17 should sit on the nasion when stretched down.

o   Adjust chin toggle and tighten cap on head.

o   Cap fit: The cap should fit symmetrically over the child’s head, with the net forming symmetrical triangles all around and ears directly within ear holes. Adjust net on head as well as locking it in by using toggles until desired fit is reached. To adjust individual toggles: hold all other strings and press on intended toggle with same hand, pull desired string with the other hand to attain fit.

·         Once the cap is on, adjust electrodes where necessary. Adjust until impedances are all blue (ideally).  If you can’t get all impedances blue, we want to aim to get fewer than 10 electrodes with yellow or green colors (ideally, it is better if these are on the bottom row of electrodes over other places).  Using pipettes filled with EEG solution to [1] gently saturate the electrode sponges (1-2 drops of solution), and [2] move hair away so electrodes can make direct contact with skull.  Make sure to seat REF and COM first.

·         When impedances look good, go back to the computers. R2 will stay in the testing room to ensure the child is still in the chair. On Mac, hit “Save Impedances.”

·         At this point, ask if parent wants to take a picture.  Once they are done, have parent either power off cell phone or remove it from the room.  Also, remove all other unnecessary electronics from the room and make sure nothing else is plugged in.

·         Make sure the participant is 60cm from monitor using the string/ribbon

·         Turn off lights and get ready to remove ipad

·         Switch the control box to PC mode.

·         On the EGI PC: Click: BFY_Baseline EEG icon on the Desktop. In the following pop-up windows enter:

-Subject number = the last 4 digits of the Participant ID number (e.g., P114567 is 4567)

-Click through the rest of the pop-up windows as the information is not relevant

-Press Ctrl + Alt + Shift to abort the program before it finishes on its own

-On the Mac: press the stop button in the upper left corner to end the recording if the recording does not end on its own

·         To Run the MMN:

First, be sure R2 turns off the participant monitor in the testing room.  Have the R2 pull up the MMN video on the iPad set to mute.

On the Mac, in the window that pops up, select: "start a new study"

·         MMN: On the Mac: Name it PXXXXXX_BFY4_MMN

·         Startup the MMN task on PC, Subject number = Participant ID number minus the ‘P’ and the first 1 (e.g., for P14567 it would be 14567).  Push enter for the rest of the prompts.

·         When ‘Picker’ comes up, use arrow keys to choose ‘Experiment Block’

·         Enter ‘y’

·         Click Yes

·         Enter ‘y’

·         Click spacebar to start task

·         While the task is running, briefly hoover the audio meter above the participant’s head and make sure it reads between 70-75db

·         After the task is done choose ‘Finish!’ and ‘y’

·         Quit Netstation

·         Go back in

·         Using the maternal iPad, take pictures of the cap placement. This should include a picture from the front, both sides, back, and top (5 total).

·         Un-cap the child


·         Bring soaking cap into the EEG room

·         Place iPad in front of child and turn on movie for them

·         Help R1 with impedances.

·         Once cap is appropriately placed, take a polaroid of the child in their cap with mom’s permission while (or shortly after) R1 is taking iPad pictures.

·         Stay in room with child and mom to ensure they are sitting as still as possible

o   Every so often, using decibel meter to ensure that the sound is between 70 and 75 decibels

·         Turn off the monitor for MMN; have iPad on silent for the child (running the EEG iPad Video)

When the decibel meter is being used, let mom know that "We have a yellow sound meter that is like a microphone. We will be putting it above (child)'s head, during the second video of the EEG, in order to check how loud the volume of the machine is in relation to him/her." 

Post-visit Upload & Protocol

All Post-Visit Instructions

Experimenter form (post-visit) on REDcap (R1):

·         Mark ‘complete’ (or ‘incomplete’) and enter in notes for the following visit elements:

o   MEFS

o   Receptive PVT (monolingual English or bilingual)

o   Matrices

o   The Reading House

o   EEG R1 (be sure to also fill in that individual bubble)

o   BMI (be sure to also fill in that individual bubble)

o   PCI upload (be sure to also fill in that individual bubble)

o   LENA upload (be sure to also fill in that individual bubble)

o   Epi labeling and storage

o   Maternal MEFS

o   Maternal Survey

o   Child drawing


Fill out PSRA in REDcap (R1)


Ensure all REDcap bubbles are filled in


Send mom the “Thank You” email and attach a blank COVID-19 consent form and a blank main study consent form (NYSPI only for NYC) in the correct language


Experimenter form (post-visit) on REDcap (R2):

·         Be sure R1 has the checklist with the times and notes of everything from the visit so they can fill out the Post-Visit form on REDcap


Epigenetics – R2

·         Ensure that the biohazard bags are properly labeled (using the info you wrote on the checklist) and sealed.

·         Plug the scanner into the computer and open up Google Drive > BFY Age 4 Docs > BFY Epi Barcode Log

o   Add in the new participant IDs in the correct column (PXXX_c for child and PXXX_m for mom)

o   Click on the cell where you want the barcode number to be – then scan the barcode and it will automatically populate that cell

o   Add in the Notes cell anything unusual about the sample, like discoloration, for e.g.

·        Ensure epigenetic samples goes in your safe, locked space

EEG (R1)

·         Export EEG data from the Mac and PC:

·   On the Mac

1.  Zip the Resting file and the MMN files on the Mac

2.  Move the files from the EEG computer onto the EEG-designated USB.

Move the files from the USB onto the Noble drive under the EEG folder and save as PXXXXXX_BFY4_Rest and PXXXXXX_BFY4_MMN


(EEG data file path:  NOBLE>BFY>Age4>DATA_AGE4>EEG > 0_Deposit EEG Data from Sites Here)


Open new window for USB DISK >

Drag Resting zip file (in USB) to 0_Deposit EEG Data from Sites Here ; check name is formatted as follows: PXXXXXX_BFY4_Rest (e.g., P102111_BFY4_Rest)

Drag MMN zip (in USB) to 0_Deposit EEG Data from Sites Here folder; check name is formatted as follows: PXXXXXX_BFY4_MMN (e.g., P102111_BFY4_MMN)



Capping Pictures

·         Move the capping pictures on the iPad into the capping pictures folder on Drive

·   Drive > BFY Capping Pictures

·   Find your site’s folder

·   File name: Year_Month_Date_PXXX (e.g., 22_11_30_P3578_1(2,3,4,5))

·   Be sure to delete photos from the iPad photo gallery once they are uploaded to the Drive


EEG (R2)

·         Bring the EEG Cap and bucket to the sink and pour out the solution, remove the cap and dab it gently on a towel.

·         Place the cap back in the bucket under the sink and rinse it until it is submerged 

·   Dunk the net in and out of the bucket ~10 times, agitating it intermittently 

·   Pour the water out and repeat the rinsing and dunking process three times 

·   Carefully rest the cord and connector around the back of your neck during this process to ensure that it stays dry

·         Sanitize the EEG Cap 

·         If a disinfectant solution is already made: 

·   Soak the EEG cap in the solution in the plastic container marked "Disinfectant Only" for exactly 10 minutes. Any longer will be harmful to the cap.

·   Repeat the rinsing process detailed in step 2 and thoroughly clean the disinfectant off of the cap. 

·         To make a disinfectant solution: 

·   In the cabinet marked 'EEG nets and supplies': fill the spoon marked 'EGI Disinfectant' with the Control III Disinfectant and pour it into the "Disinfectant Only" plastic container  

·   Fill the container up with water up to the bottom of the 'O' in 'Only' that is written on the front of the container. 

·   Create a new solution every two weeks. Use a dry erase marker to make a note of the next date on the lid of the container.  

·         Return the cap to the hooks by the EGI station. 


PCI (R1):

·         Take out SD card from the camcorder

·         Plug into the SD card reader and plug that into the laptop

·         Find the PCI video file

·         Open up the Noble Drive > BFY > Age 4 > DATA_AGE 4 > PCI

·         Upload video from camcorder into this folder and name as BFY_Age4_PCI_PXXX

·         Once you are sure the recording is on the server, place the SD card back in the camera and delete the PCI video file on the camera


LENA (R1):

·         Upload LENA recording to LENA Hub

a.   Open up LENA Hub on desktop

b.  Plug LENA into computer

c.   Once uploaded, check the Local Disc drive on the computer

d.  Rename the 2 LENA files to BFY_Age4_LENA_PXXX

e.   Open up Noble Drive and save the two files under the LENA folder


Disinfect the toys surfaces that participants interact with



1.  Log the visit in the sample management system (SMS):

o Go to the participant's profile

o Log a new interaction: In the new interaction form selection menu, select University Appointment. 

o Enter the date and start time of the appointment 

o Enter the incentive mode and amount

o Assign outcome of the visit:

§ Complete visit: assign when P completed her chosen activities, and no further data collection attempts need to be made

§ Partial visit: assign when P completes some but not all of her chosen activities, and further data collection needs to take place but there is no set appt time (e.g. maternal survey is completed via phone and P wants to participate in university-based activities, which will happen at an undefined later time)

§ Partial visit, appointment scheduled: assign when P completes some but not all of her chosen activities, and a follow-up appointment was scheduled. In this case, also input the next appointment into the form

o Click update.

2.  Send thank you email and text using the appropriate IRB-approved template, attach blank consent forms to the email.

o Log the interaction in SMS.